In-Line planetary gearboxes





Ultimate is a high stiffness, low-backlash planetary gearbox. It provides superior acceleration capacity to high-dynamics applications including new-generation laser-cutting machines, delta robots or punching machines, where high precision is needed. 

Ultimate is available in 2 versions : the standard version and the high torque version.

Acceleration capacity +++++
Fast reversals +++++
Radial load rating +++++
Axial load rating +++++
Stiffness +++++
Precision +++++
Economy +++
Suitable to servomotor applications YES
Number of sizes in this line 8 (47 to 285)
Standard angular backlash ≤3 or ≤5 arc-min
Optional reduced backlash ≤1 or ≤3 arc-min
Available ratios 4 to 100
Motor shaft connection Balanced coupling
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Ultimate is a heavy-duty, low-backlash planetary gearbox. 


Low-backlash planetary gearhead

The planet carrier is a massive, rigid cage providing stiffness and acceleration capacity.

It is monobloc with the rotating output flange, for superior stiffness. Using a rotating flange instead of a male shaft improves significantly the radial and axial load acceptance.

The cage is centered into the inner planetary ring by means of 2 preloaded angular-contact ball bearings (for small sizes) or tapered-roller bearings (sizes above 140), for maximum load capacity. This construction reinforces the acceleration capacity and the gearbox acceptance of fast reversals.

We recommend this line for applications using application factor Ka<2.25 (refer to the information section for more details about application factors).

Note that we have developed a version of Ultimate especially for delta robots : "Ultimate NB" (consult us for more information)




High precision planetary gearbox




The servomotor shaft connection is a balanced coupling, so the efforts on your motor bearings are minimal.


Installation is fast and easy thanks to a 1-screw lock to your servomotor.



The gearhead will be delivered with the adapting flange corresponding to your motor.






The Ultimate line follows the Perfect PitchTM concept, including the use of helical toothing to provide a silent and safe operation to your system. Refer to the PerfectPitch conceptTM section for more detailed information.


The planet carrier is a massive cage, designed to increase the torsional stiffness and the acceleration capacity. This design provides a perfect alignment of the gears, even at maximum torque. 

This gearhead is adapted to permanent, extreme variations of torque like in laser-cutting machines, delta robots or punching machines.


The planet carrier is strongly supported  by angular-contact ball-bearings or tapered roller bearings (sizes above 140).

Ultimate features a rotating output flange instead of a male shaft.


The planetary ring gear is monobloc with the output adapting flange and includes the 2 bearing locations.


High-precision planet gears in carburized and quenched steel allow high torque density and strong accelerations, year after year, without loss of precision.

They are supported by large, individual needles (bearings without cages), in order to maximize torque capacity and lifetime.


The Ultimate line features a standard, balanced coupling with a press-fitted pinion, to limit radial efforts on your servomotor shaft.




















  L2 option** - - 090-R 090-P 110-R 110-P 140-R 140-P 200-R 200-P 255-R 255-P 285-R

Nominal torque

T2n (Nm) (1)

4 8 42 154 244 407 1,180 3,075 4,252
5 11 33 120 190 438 1,225 2,390 3,663
5.5 - 44 164 260 590 1,660 3,270 4,500
6 - 27 81 179 440 1,225 2,420 3,670
7 8 30 108 203 465 1,300 2,560 3,900
8 - 18 55 164 408 1,185 2,450 3,800
9 - 16 47 137 353 1,035 2,150 3,330
10 5 18 66 147 308 922 1,925 2,980
16 8 42 86 154 244 244 377 407 764 1,180 2,244 3,075 4,251
20 8 42 90 154 244 244 393 407 1,096 1,180 2,340 3,075 4,251
22 - 44 118 164 260 260 518 590 1,051 1,660 3,085 3,270 4,500
25 11 33 113 120 190 190 438 438 1,225 1,225 2,390 2,390 3,663
27.5 - 44 124 164 260 260 540 590 1,507 1,660 3,218 3,270 4,500
28 8 42 68 154 183 244 359 407 960 1,180 2,222 3,075 4,251
30 - 27 81 81 179 179 440 440 1,225 1,225 2,420 2,420 3,670
35 11 33 85 120 190 190 438 438 1,200 1,225 2,390 2,390 3,663
38.5 - 44 94 164 252 260 494 590 1,320 1,660 3,055 3,270 4,500
40 8 39 40 113 113 218 218 407 577 1,180 1,397 3,075 4,236
42 - 27 81 81 179 179 440 440 1,225 1,225 2,420 2,420 3,670
49 8 30 108 108 203 203 465 465 1,300 1,300 2,560 2,560 3,900
50 11 33 49 120 141 190 273 438 721 1,225 1,746 2,390 3,663
55 - 44 54 164 156 260 300 590 794 1,660 1,921 3,270 4,500
60 - 27 59 81 170 179 327 440 866 1,225 2,096 2,420 3,670
70 8 30 69 108 198 203 382 465 1,010 1,300 2,445 2,560 3,900
80 - 18 55 55 164 164 408 408 1,154 1,185 2,450 2,450 3,800
90 - 16 47 47 137 137 353 353 1,035 1,035 2,150 2,150 3,330
100 5 18 66 66 147 147 308 308 922 922 1,925 1,925 2,980

Peak torque

TMax (Nm) (2)

4 14 77 190 488 810 2,350 6,000 8,474
5 14 55 170 380 870 2,380 4,770 7,303
5.5 - 73 235 500 1100 2,900 5,630 8,636
6 - 38 114 327 815 2,250 4,450 6,678
7 14 54 161 379 804 2,170 4,400 6,643
8 - 37 111 322 765 2,050 4,170 6,260
9 - 36 106 305 728 1,970 4,000 6,000
10 13 50 157 353 715 1,470 3,950 6,000
16 14 77 122 190 322 488 669 810 1,524 2,350 4,240 6,000 8,474
20 14 77 115 190 275 488 636 810 1,791 2,350 3,885 6,000 8,474
22 - 73 168 235 443 500 920 1,100 2,095 2,900 5,630 5,630 8,636
25 14 55 144 170 344 380 795 870 2,238 2,380 4,770 4,770 7,303
27.5 - 73 158 235 378 500 875 1,100 2,462 2,900 5,342 5,630 8,636
28 14 77 113 190 282 488 609 810 1,651 2,350 3,611 6,000 8,474
30 - 38 114 114 327 327 815 815 2,250 2,250 4,450 4,450 6,678
35 14 55 141 170 353 380 762 870 2,064 2,380 4,514 4,770 7,303
38.5 - 69 155 235 388 500 838 1,100 2,270 2,900 4,965 5,630 8,636
40 14 77 109 190 259 488 560 810 1,480 2,350 3,337 6,000 8,474
42 - 38 114 114 327 327 815 815 2,250 2,250 4,450 4,450 6,678
49 14 54 161 161 379 379 804 804 2,170 2,170 4,400 4,400 6,643
50 14 55 136 170 324 380 700 870 1,850 2,380 4,171 4,770 7,303
55 - 73 150 235 356 500 770 1100 2,035 2,900 4,589 5,630 8,636
60 - 38 114 114 327 327 815 815 2,220 2,250 4,450 4,450 6,678
70 14 54 161 161 379 379 804 804 2,170 2,170 4,400 4,400 6,643
80 - 37 111 111 322 322 765 765 2,050 2,050 4,170 4,170 6,260
90 - 36 106 106 305 305 728 728 1,970 1,970 4,000 4,000 6,000
100 13 50 157 157 353 353 715 715 1,470 1,470 3,950 3,950 6,000
Emergency stop torque (3) 1,5*Tmax
Max angular backlash (minutes) 1 stage Standard ≤5 / Option ≤3 Standard ≤3 / Option ≤1
2 stages Standard ≤5 / Option ≤3 Standard ≤5 / Option ≤3
Nominal input speed (rpm) (4) 4,000 4,000 3,100 2,800 2,600 2,000 1,700 1,500
Max input speed (rpm) (5) 8,000 7,500 6,000 5,500 4,500 3,500 3,000 2,500
Max radial load (N) (6) Balls 320 465 1,440 3,960 11,680 NA NA NA
Rollers NA NA NA 7,850 (11) 23,000 (11) 22,500 (12) 36,500 (12) 42,750 (12)
Max axial load (N) (6) Balls 420 565 2,050 5,700 16,900 NA NA NA
Rollers NA NA NA 6,210 (11) 19,100 (11) 17,400 (12) 32,600 (12) 37,500 (12)
Tilting moment (N.m) (6) Balls 11 23 95 335 1,130 NA NA NA
Rollers NA NA NA 675 (11) 2,150 (11) 2,280 (12) 4,600 (12) 5,950 (12)
Efficiency (%) (7) 1 stage >97
2 stages >94
Torsional stifness (Nm/min) 6 13 32 82 150 600 1,000 1,400
Life (h) (8) 20,000
Min / max temperature (°C) (9) -15 / +45
Max temperature of the body (°C) 90
Protection class IP 65
Noise level (dB) (10) <55 <55 <57 <62 <64 <67 <64 <65
Lubrication Lifetime lubrication (Grease)
Color Capri blue (RAL 5019)
Input flange Anodized aluminum

Note : Torque ratings fluctuate with the radial and axial loads that are applied on the output flange. Consult us to know the rated / acceleration / emergency stop torque applicable in your application. Click here for more information.

  1. Following the ISO 6336-2 standard, for a 20,000 hours life with a 1,25 application factor, at nominal speed with 60°C internal temperature. Applying a lower torque prolounges life significantly.

  2. Following ISO 6336-2 standard, for 2,000h (10% of life) with a 1,4 safety factor, at nominal speed with 60°C internal temperature. Using a torque higher than the nominal torque wears the internal gears.

  3. 1,000 occurences maximum

  4. Speed at which the nominal torque is applicable 20 000 hours.

  5. Peak speed only.

  6. Applied on the front face of the output shaft at 100rpm.

  7. Measured at full load and at 25°C

  8. Lifetime at nominal torque and speed. Consult us to obtain a free estimation of lifetime in your working conditions

  9. Room temperature. Refer to temperature factors in dedicated section.

  10. Ratio 10 at nominal speed, measured at 1m.

  11. Actual values can change with design modification

  12. Ultimate with rollers is an option (TR), except for size 200, 255 and 285 for which tapered roller bearings are included standard.

* Other ratios are available upon request

** For 2 stages gearboxes, you can choose between a compact input stage (R) or a powerful input stage (P) if you need more torque or if your application is highly dynamic. The P version is a paying option.


More drawings will be available shortly. In the meantime please click here to request the datasheets and 3D drawings.

Gearbox model Number of stages Input stage

Motor brand

Motor model





Ultimate-CI-ST-064 1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Num SHX0751V5 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-064  1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7032 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-064  1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7034 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-064  2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Standard Num SHX0751V5 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-090 1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7060 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-090 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7032 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-090 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FL6044 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-110 1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7063 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-110 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7042 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-110 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7044 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-110 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7060 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-140 1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7083 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-140 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7063 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-140 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Standard Siemens 1FK7100 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-200 1 stage - ratios 4 to 10 Standard Siemens 1FK7101 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-200 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7083 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-200 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7086 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate-CI-ST-200 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Siemens 1FK7100 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"
Ultimate -CI-ST-285 2 stages - ratios 16 to 100 Compact Kollmorgen AMK2 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "pdf" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "STEP FILE"


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